
class S2.FX.Operators.WebkitCssTransition


Operator for invoking WebKit CSS Transition-based CSS animations, bypassing the scripty2 effects engine and using browser native CSS transitions.

This class is only defined if running on a browser that supports CSS transitions and CSS transition events.

Because of limitations with CSS transitions, only a subset of the features of the full JavaScript-based effects engine is supported.

  • Transitions are limited to 'linear' and 'sinusoidal' (default)
  • Some CSS properties can't be animated with CSS transitions
  • The propertyTransitions option is not supported

S2.FX.Morph will automatically detect if a non-supported feature is used and fall back to the JavaScript-based effects engine.

The use of the JavaScript engine can be forced by setting the engine option to 'javascript'.

$('element_id').morph('width:400px', { engine: 'javascript' });
You can query the S2.Extensions.webkitCSSTransitions property to check if WebKit CSS transition support is enabled.